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EC - Project

Simple Project - Locate Data on website and copy paste to a google sheet

How to setup your sheet

Please watch the video once before starting

To get started:

Copy and paste this URL in your web browser :

On the top left menu look for - File
Click on File

Go down 4 places in the Menu
4th Option is - Make a Copy
click on Make a Copy

Give Copy a Name
Delete the words - Copy of
Only leave Data Entry -
Enter your own name - [ as is in slack ]

Close Original File

Share New file which reads -Data Entry - [ Your Name ] , with

- It is perfectly OK , if you are not able to transfer ownership of the sheet , as long as you have shared the sheet.
- Incase of issues
- Please post on the Slack Channel - data-project
- If you do not get a response in 12 - 24 hours : email
- Do NOT start work , till you have shared the sheet & received your allotted cities .
- After you receive your allotted cities , you have to complete 10 Sample records so we can check and approve .
- Only after approval should you start working .

How to Complete your tasks

If your file is not shared with - You are not ready for this step .

  1. In your web browser - Open

  2. If it asks you which country - select USA

  3. In your search tab - enter : Property Management

  4. In you city - Enter : [ city name ]

    1. You have been provided city and state names i.e. Spring Fields Ohio , In this case - Spring Fields is the City and Ohia is the State .

    2. You should be able to see Spring Field , OH - Select that Option

    3. If you are not sure which letters represent your state - Please use google

  5. When asked if you want to view Accredited Only or Accredited and Non-Accredited

    1. Please select Accredited and Non-Accredited

  1. Only select the the entries that show - Property Management

  2. Skip Ads


  • You need to look for the email address either via Google or Facebook page

  • You need to get the BM ( Business Management ) Details

  • Incase you have extra Information - You can add it to notes

  • Leave Form & Form Template - Blank - [ They are not for now ]

  • After you have shared the sheet with us - We will map it to ensure it is working correctly


  1. Map the Headers to your Data Correctly - All Incorrect data will be dis-regarded.

  2. Ensure you are not adding duplicates - Duplicates will be discarded

How to Check if you have duplicates :

Use the COUNTIF formula to find duplicates.

The COUNTIF formula [=COUNTIF (A:A, A1)>1] tells Sheets where to look for duplicates. The information in the parentheses represents the column you want to track and the specific cell you want to start with. The information outside the parentheses states that you want Sheets to count duplicates, or anything appearing more than once (>1). 

Since we’re looking for duplicate directors, we want to adjust the formula to read the C column. Our formula should become =COUNTIF (C:C, C2)>1. You can see how it begins to highlight repeat directors. 

  • [ Feel Free to search on Youtube for a tutorial ]

Help Desk

Our team is always happy to help you


Please see below a list of Frequently Answered Questions .

Frequently Answered

I'm unable to open my account in my desktop.  Can you please help?

We can not help you with desktop account opening


You gave me 10 cities.. and i filled one entries in each city.. how to complete 200

there are over 3500 contacts per City - Select the First City in YOUR List - Complete 200 Entries in that City - Submit for your first payment . Then when you get your 1st payment - Move ahead to complete more work . When you complete close to 1000 Entries in one city - Move to the Next City - Example : If you are doing Blacksburg, Virginia then just do that one city till you have completed 1000 records and then move to the next


How many records per city ?

You can do 1000 Unique Records per city


The City assigned to me only has 50 entries , the remaining entries are for another city what should I do ?

If you were assigned city which has less entries , once you have completed the entries , please DM your Project Manager to assign you a new city .

Process :

Share a Screenshot of the last city and the new city

We will add your name to the next city & ensure it is not assigned to anyone else

You can start collecting data .


what should i fill in form and form template?

Nothing - Leave those blank


How much will I be paid ?

Please download the sheet .


I am having trouble making a copy of the sheet


How do I find emails from Facebook ?


If you have questions that are not answered above - Please send a message on your Channel . Data Project

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