Help Page - Data Entry Project
Welcome to our Help Page.
Please read and view everything on this page before starting.
This page will give you links and details on how to get started.
It will also provide answers to most of your questions.
Know your team
Project Co-Ordinators in slack are @Sneha Chaudhary and @Myisha Fahmeeda Â
If you are not able to find an answer to your question here Only then reach out to either of them.
If you do not receive a response from project co-ordinators you can reach out to Team Lead - @Ashim KhannaÂ
If you have no resolution with the team lead - Please email : Hr@beautifulconceptsco.comÂ
Subject Line : Data Pro - HR Team Help Requested
Mention your Full Name as on Slack - Provide your Slack ID - Clearly Explain your problem - Please include any screenshots or videos that can help us understand the problem .
Rules of communication
If you have a general question about work, please post it directly on the channel.
If you have a specific question about your sheet or entry - Please send a direct message to project co-ordinators
If you have a question about proof of payment or mismatch in payment - please send a direct message to the team leader
If you have a unresolve accounting problem - please email hr@beautifulconceptsco.com
The Data Project Channel is for making everyone aware of important Updates - Please do NOT keep posting there .
Misbehavior , foul language , or asking anyone for personal information will immediately get you blocked.
We expect a professional behaviour from everyone.
📺 How To Get Started
Please visit our website page by clicking on the button below
There are videos explaining everything, along with a step by step instruction.
How to get a new city
In order to start your work, you need to select a city to work on.
Please Ask For Access to This Sheet Directly By Clicking on the button.
It can take anywhere from a few hours to 1 - 2 days to give you access to the sheet, depending on when you request for it.
Please submit the request only one time . making multiple requests clogs our system and causes more delays .
Once you have access to the sheet
Please read the Instructions on the sheet Carefully
Anyone who does not follow the rules of the sheet - will have their sheet Invalidated . So Please Follow Rules Carefully .
Add the name of the Nearby City in the List of Cities so others know it is already done by you
How to find the 2 Letter Word for my State ?
You need to enter the states correctly for example
California is CA
Florida is FL
You can use the page above to find the correct letters for your state .
How much are we paying for the work?
Click Here to download the PayOut sheet
Dates of Submissions & Payments
We process submissions and payments every 15 days.
If you submit your sheet between the 1st and 14th of the month - you can expect a payment on the 16th, 17th, or 18th of the same month.
If you submit your sheet between the 15th and the last day of the month - you can expect your payment on the 1st , 2nd or 3rd of the next month.
How can I submit my work & Request for a PayOut ?
Please Submit your Complete Details on this link :
Before you submit your sheet for a payout - You will need to ensure that you can completed at least 1 Main City and All Nearby Cities.
The minimum number of entries for a PayOut is 200.
No one from Beautiful Concepts Pvt Ltd. will ever ask you for your phone number, email address, aadhaar card, pan card or any personal identification document.
How to find your slack ID
Once I complete one City and Submit my work for the next new work should I open a new sheet ?
No. Do not change the sheet that you are working on . Use the same sheet - Do not leave any gaps or empty lines.
When we process your sheet - We process the entire sheet.
If I complete working on one city then can I start working on the other one or someone will assign me the other city ?
Once you finish working on one city, you can go ahead and start on the next one. Just make sure to put your name on the allotment sheet next to the new city before you begin.
What if the Business Category is Other than Property Management ?
As long as the category is property management, real estate, apartment rental, Vacation Rental or Construction - You can accept the entry, anything other than that should be skipped.
Correctly Formatting the search
When you take a new city , you also have to do their nearby cities . In BBB After you have searched for the City Name - Set the Distance to below 25 Miles .
Select the right categories
Set the correct State so you are getting the correct Entries .
Based on your City and State - Please ensure that you have selected the correct state
Correctly work on your sheets
Only One Line Per Cell
If only designation is provided but name of the person is not provided
Please SKIP the Details . Enter the rest of the information like website / phone , email , facebook , etc .
How To Get Emails From Facebook
How to search via BBB
Avoiding Duplicate Entries & Entering Correct City
You can avoid duplicates to a large extent by taking the data from the correct city that is assigned to you .
You can check the URL and the City name in the Address if you are going outside of your allotted city.
If you run out of entries in your city and head to the Help Page on this channel and take a new city .
Please ensure that you write your name on the next to the city so everyone else is aware it is already done and to avoid it .
If you have a city that is not in the list - then Send me the name of the City and State so I can check to ensure that you are the only person working on it .
Enter the Correct City Name in your sheets
While some duplicate entries can always be expected because of larger companies that have multiple offices to help you reduce the number of duplicate entries we recommend the following steps
* Check that you are logging details from the correct city - The URL and the Address clearly show the name of the city which does not match the city name you were assigned . This causes Duplicate Data because other cities may be registered to another person
* When using a nearby city - ALWAYS - Let us register the city to you before you start to work on it - So we can ensure that only 1 person is working on that city
* Do not cross more than 25 miles around your main city in nearby because then you could possibly be working on someone else's territory
Stick to your city & nearby cities and ensure that you are entering accurate data .
for some companies the address is different but the phone number is the same, should I consider them
No , If the Phone Number , Email Address , License Number, Address , Website Address ( Any ONE of these is the same - It is a Duplicate . Please do not invest your time on them .
We have Same names in business management and principal do we have to put in both or it will count as duplicate
If the same name is provided in BBB for Business Management and Principal - Its Not a Duplicate . Enter Both Names - With their Designations .
Each page of search results shows 15 business profiles, and the maximum pagination goes up to page number 15. Therefore, the maximum number of business profiles we can view is 15×15=225 profiles.
Now, the question is: the search results indicate 778 entries, but the payout sheet specifies that "you must complete all entries in the city selected within a radius of 25 miles. For example, if there are 768 entries in New York, you must complete 768 entries before requesting a payout."
How can we achieve this when the BBB website only allows a maximum of 225 profiles to be displayed?
BBB in some cases may show it has a larger number of entries - however when you do the math it may come down
This can be for multiple reasons :
A) They may decide to restrict the number of results - Incase they detect your IP as a Bot or if you have too many requests .
B) The total number Includes all entries - ( It reduces when you apply filters )
C) Error on BBB Site
Easy solution - Take a Screenshot of the Last Pages - And Add it to your sheet - Along with URL - We will check the settings and if your settings are correct - We will mark it as done .
You have to keep in mind - you have to complete the Nearby Cities Also .
What this means is
So - New York City - Nearby City = Queens - After you complete your List of New York City , Then you take Queens and Complete the list of Queens - 25 Miles also - ( If there are any Additional Nearby Cities of Queens , You can Add Queens as a Main City ( At the Bottom ) in the Take a City List - Add your name and start from there . Payout for New York and Queens will be different and they will be treated as 2 cities .
What is a unique field?
A unique field contains a value that helps you differentiate records and prevents duplicate records. Depending on your business, it could be email addresses, phone numbers, student IDs, social security numbers, passport numbers, etc. So if you set an email address as a unique field, then no two contact records can have the same email address.
Other Questions
when we take a business sometimes it show business category other than property management like rental, apartments, construction etc below the company name. Do we need to enter that in the sheet or we can just enter it as property management.
As long as the category is related to real estate - ( Real Estate , Property Management , Construction ) - We are fine . These entries can be and should be entered . If however the category is plumber , cleaner , etc - these categories and entries should be avoided .
2. In some cases there are multiple business with same name with different address and zip codes as they are multicentric. do we need to enter it as different or only one entry is needed. becoz last time when i entered it separately, it lead to duplication.
Duplicates are not judged based on the name of the company . They are judged on Source URL, Email, Phone, License, Facebook, etc. If someone has already submitted the work of one city and you re-submit the entire city sheet again - you will get 100% duplicate errors and the sheet will not yeild any result . to ensure this does not happen - Only Person is Working on One Main City , within a Limit of 25 Miles and they are noting the nearby city so everyone knows they should not work on it . If after all this someone still chooses to work on that sheet - then it is not our fault .
3. Some cases the website, and facebook link wont open it shows some error, then do we need to enter the link in sheet or just leave the column.
If a website or facebook link is not opening then you should NOT enter the data - It causes errors and because we can not cross check the data it gets rejected .
4. If we have a near by city which is main city and it has been already done by someone else then we can skip that city right.
Yes , If someone is working on the same city in the same state - they PLEASE DO NOT WORK ON IT. Your entire sheet will be rejected .
Help Desk
Our team is always happy to help you
Please see below a list of Frequently Answered Questions .
Submitting the sheet
Please Submit your Complete Details on this link :
* Please do check all details before you start .
* This is a project based Freelance Job , You work as a part of our team to get accurate data and we pay according to Unique , correct data .
* All prices , payment structure and details are public information & we share the URL with everyone . Payout and Process is the same .
* We always ask that you complete 10 entries for your city and state - to get it checked .
* We make your 1st payment at completion of all entries in your Main City and their Nearby cities to
* No One from Beautiful Concepts is authorized to ask you for any sensitive or personal Data - If anyone makes such requests please report them immediately .
* We only pay for Unique Data - Which means that we do not accept duplicates that are already in our system
Duplicate Entries
When a Large company has multiple offices across the US and use the same email , phone number , website , and it already in our system - it is marked as a duplicate i.e. this information has already been received , processed and paid for by our company one time , we will not be doing it again .
The policy to reject duplicates also prevents misuse where in certain individuals share the same sheets with their friends , therefore the rule is and has always been - we reject any duplicates - next time you are filling in data - you can skip these entries entirely .
🔑 How will work be checked and how to understand work reports
* There are 3 types of Checks that each sheets goes through
* Duplicates : When a Large company has multiple offices across the US and use the same email, phone number, website , Or it already in our system - it is marked as a duplicate i.e. this information has already been received , processed and paid for by our company already . We request you to kindly stick to your city and state & ensure that when you are checking nearby cities you do not go over 25 Miles to prevent duplicating data .
* Incorrectly Formatted : Incorrectly formatted data is when you enter websites , names , phone numbers , email addresses in formats that we can not import . Always copy and paste to the Bar in your sheets as is shown in the Video to ensure you are copying only text .
* Inaccurate Data - It is very important that the data you are entering in your sheet is accurate . If we find that the data is not matching the URL's after 5 checks we will Invalidate the sheet & as you to re-check and re-submit the sheet after checking details . If we find the data is incorrect after the 2nd attempt we will remove the city and states from you and re-assign them . Therefore PLEASE Ensure that you enter only correct Data .
When you Submit your Entries to us - We provide you with 3 Reports :
* Skipped Data - Which means these are duplicates
* Error Report - Which means they are incorrectly formatted
* Payout Data - For Each Line we provide you with details of how much we are paying and if we are not paying then what is the reason .
If you ever find that there is an Error , you can always DM @Myisha Fahmeeda for re-checks .
* If we are unable to resolve via Chat we will jump on a GMeet and resolve your queries .